Opaque transparency. Between truth and representation in documental photojournalism imagery


  • Víctor Gayol El Colegio de Michoacán




documental photography, truth, representation


Photography was invented in the 19th century as a technological resource for capturing and fixing images of reality through mechanical means. Accompanying this discovery was the idea that the images obtained reflected the surrounding world objectively and with exactitude. For this reason, documentary photojournalism acquired the character of offering truthful testimonies of reality. But the truth is that photographers were not simply inoffensive intermediaries in a mechanical process; quite to the contrary, their interventions created representations of the world that were plagued with modifications of the possible meanings of the referents of the images taken. This essay offers a brief exercise that invites debate on this phenomenon. 

Author Biography

Víctor Gayol, El Colegio de Michoacán

Doctor en historia, profesor investigador en el Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de Michoacán. Ha publicado dos libros de autor y dos como coordinador, aparte de varios capítulos de libros y artículos. De entre ellos destaca: Laberintos de justicia. Procuradores, escribanos y oficiales de la real audiencia de México, 1750-1812 (mención honorífica en el Premio Francisco Xavier Clavijero a la mejor investigación de los premios Anuales INAH 2008). Cocoordinador del Grupo de Estudios Sobre Religión y Cultura (GERYC), y miembro de la Red de Estudios del Régimen de Subdelegaciones en la América Borbónica (RERSAB). 



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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2417335/Paris-Nazi-lens-Propaganda-images-occupied-French-capital-citizens-thriving-German-rule.html consultado el 2 de septiembre de 2014.






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