Handing Over the Scepter: Indigenous and Political Symbology in Two Ceremonies


  • Milvet Rebeca Alonso Gutiérrez University of Georgia




Indigenous cultures, politics, performance, Mexico, Concheros


The scepter is an important element in numerous Mexican indigenous cultures, as exemplified by the case of the Chichimeca-Otomi represented in the so-called Concherosdance group in the state of Querétaro. This article analyzes the performance-made-political (Linchentfel and Rouse) that accompanies the handing over of this symbolic element to two political figures (the municipal president, or mayor, and the governor) in two distinct ceremonies. One ritual is political in nature, while the other is of a cultural and spiritual character. The essay further explores how indigenous identity may simultaneously oppose the State (Friedman) but also see it as an ally that can defend people’s civil rights and, perhaps, offer new opportunities (Haley).

Author Biography

Milvet Rebeca Alonso Gutiérrez, University of Georgia

Lecturer del Departamento de Lenguas Romances.


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