“Jesuit machinations” in the Russian imaginary


  • Jean Meyer CIDE




conspiracy, Dostoyevsky, identity, churches, Jesuits, memory, Poland, Russia


Tsarist Russia of the 19th century witnessed the virulent emergence of a conspiracy theory believed to threaten the authentic –clearly Christian Orthodox– soul of Russia. The principal binomial of that conspiracy –Catholicism / Jesuits– was nothing new, as it began with the very origins of the Company of Jesus in the 16th century. However, in a broad European world affected by the diverse crises of the traditional monarchies that existed from the time of the French Revolution, the phantasm of the Jesuits as Anti-Christ emerged once again amidst a political debate that sought to strengthen the traditional character of Russian Orthodoxy. The text presents the parameters for an understanding of the fundamental elements in the construction of the idea of a conspiracy that, in structural terms, hardly deviates from another type of conspiracy theory, one that included the participation of intellectuals of the stature of Dostoyevsky. 

Author Biography

Jean Meyer, CIDE

Geógrafo e historiador francés naturalizado mexicano, doctorado por la Universidad de París X (Nanterre) en 1971. Es un especialista del mundo campesino y del catolicismo en el México de la posrrevolución y de la historia rusa. Entre su amplia producción historiográfica destacan La Cristiada, Esperando a Lozada, Rusia y sus imperios. También ha incursionado en la novela histórica: Los tambores de Calderón y Camino a Baján. Actualmente es investigador del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas.


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