Surveillance and vigilantism of the United States-Mexico border




Border Patrol, control and surveillance operations, undocumented noncitizen, Border Studies, U.S. Security Policy


The article analyzes different scenarios to understand some factors that have shaped state hyper-surveillance and “vigilantism” of individuals over the border region between Mexico and the United States, and the undocumented migratory crossing. The objective is to rescue some events and debates that have taken place in the last 30 years to build a profile –not a diagnosis– of the problems that “vigilantism” encloses as a disturbing and shaping factor of the border order with its actions from the United States, but also from Mexico. The article is based on a qualitative approach with a historical perspective that, based on the ethnographic experience in the border, carries out an analysis of the discourse of official, academic and newspaper sources. It is concluded that there is a constantly renewed “vigilantism” on the US side, and on the Mexican side.

Author Biographies

Guillermo Alonso Meneses, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

(29 de marzo de 1964-18 de abril de 2023). Profesor-investigador del Departamento de Estudios Cultuales de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, especializado en antropología del mundo contemporáneo, con énfasis en movilidad humana en contextos fronterizos y migratorios.

Artemisa López León, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Profesora-Investigadora del Departamento de Estudios de Administración Pública de El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, especializada en estudios rurales, con énfasis en acción colectiva, participación sociopolítica y políticas públicas.



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