Two German institutions in Mexico during the twenties: the German Casino and the German School




Post-revolutionary Mexico, Weimar Republic, German Casino, German School


This article reviews the origins, trajectories and characteristics of the German Casino and the German School in Mexico during the post-revolutionary years that coincide with the rise and fall of the Weimar Republic between 1920 and 1929. It describes their buildings and most important activities during the time that the international relations between Germany and Mexico were having a good coexistence. Nevertheless, it was the preface of the ascent of nazi-fascism in Germany with all its racism and intolerance that blocked both governments to prevail in the path of mutual understanding.

Author Biography

Ricardo Pérez Montfort, CIESAS Ciudad de México

Doctor en Historia de México por la UNAM. Es investigador titular en el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS/Ciudad de México) y Profesor en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, desde hace más de cuarenta años.


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