A triangular relation: the French perspective about Germans in Mexico (1925-1933)





Trilateral relations, Germans in Mexico, Postrevolutionary Mexico, German Trade, Public diplomacy


In Mexican exterior relationships in the early twentieth century, two types of triangular relations existed: the balance between United States and Europe, and the antagonism between two powers in order to defend their economic and political interests. From the second kind, the French-German case is archetypal, because both were enemies, and they wanted to strengthen their trade and cultural relationships with Mexico. The triangle is interesting to know the presence of the Germans by the sight of the adversary: the French. The French observed the German activities in Mexico with attention, for the danger they represented for French cultural and commercial interests. Between 1925 and 1933, in spite of being a more peaceful time, the opposition between Germans and French remained. Therefore, it is important to consider the motives of competition in diplomatic, cultural and economic areas. It is also relevant to analyse how French perceived the Germans in Mexico, and what this illustrates about the links between Germany and Mexico, through trilateral relations.

Author Biography

Bastien Hégron, Pendiente

Doctor en Historia por la UNAM en 2020, estudia las relaciones franco-mexicanas durante el cardenismo y las transferencias culturales e ideológicas entre Francia y México.



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FL Fondo Lartilleux, Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos (Ciudad de México).


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