The narrativity of the image in the Nahua codices




Episteme, Codices, Image, Narrative, Semiology, History, Myth


After some considerations which situate history and historic literature in their respective European and Pre-Columbian epistemic contexts, we realize an analytical approach to a pictographic narrative in different Nahua codices, but especially in the first eight plates of Codex Azcatitlan that relate the mythical tribulations of the Mexicas, in the early steps of their departure from Aztlan-Chicomoztoc. We essentially compare the narrative matter of the pictorial text in this document with the corresponding sequences in Codex Boturini, Codex Mexicanus, and Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca.

The intention is to show the diversity of visual paradigms, in terms of semiotics and narration, and the visual syntax of association that prevails and contributes to the production of sense.

Author Biography

Patrick Johansson, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Letras de la Universidad de París-Sorbonne. Maestro en Literatura comparada de la Universidad de Bordeaux. Licenciado en Letras modernas de la Universidad de Bordeaux. Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la UNAM. Profesor de literatura náhuatl en el Posgrado de Estudios Mesoamericanos; profesor titular del Seminario de Lengua y Cultura náhuatl de la UNAM; profesor de literaturas prehispánicas en el Colegio de Letras Hispánicas de la UNAM.


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