In youthful bodies and beach: A history of social decorum and sexuality in Mexico (1928-1964)




Beach, Tourism, Embodiment, Emotions, Acapulco


In this article, I expose the effect of beach areas modernization in Mexico, that is, their transformation into international tourist destinations, as well as the role they played in the introduction of new social practices, in the revolution of customs, and in the change or reinforcement of emotional regulations that would be welcomed by some national visitors. My analysis focuses on Acapulco, the first international tourist center in the country. Through the study of its evolution as a vacation destination, and a brief tour of some films of the time and tourist propaganda that took place in the mentioned port, it is possible to observe the transfer of American “beach culture” to tourists from the Mexican coasts, the role they played in the resignification of the exhibition of the semi-naked bodies of young women and in the intergender interactions between members of said age group, which would have visible effects in the 1960s.

Author Biography

Ivonne Meza Huacuja, Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora

Profesora-investigadora del Instituto Mora. Doctora en Historia por El Colegio de México. Especialista en historia de la adolescencia, las juventudes e historia de las emociones.


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