Ethnomerchandise and Over-Fetishization. An Essay from a Stereographic Perspective


  • Jose Luis Escalona Victoria CIESAS-SURESTE



fetishism, merchandise, ethnonarrative, tourism, museum


Artisanal production has often been interpreted as being characterized by the cultural and social singularity of producers, an approach that has given it an important place in ethnonarratives that speak of the particularity of certain groups and their worldviews. This essay proposes examining these objects from a distinct perspective –stereoscopically– by seeing them as ethnomerchandise. On the one hand, this entails undertaking an analysis of the processes through which the image that accompanies artisanal products when they are offered in tourist markets or to museums and collections is produced; processes understood here as involving over-fetishization. On the other, our approach demands understanding the profound link between ethnomerchandise with its producers and the dynamics of capital; the same link that the very appearance of the objects seems to conceal.

Author Biography

Jose Luis Escalona Victoria, CIESAS-SURESTE

Doctor en Antropología por la Universidad de Manchester, Inglaterra, e investigador del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (Ciesas), Unidad Sureste (México). Sus investigaciones están enlazadas por el tema de la antropología del poder. Entre sus publicaciones están los libros Política en el Chiapas rural contemporáneo. México: UNAM, 2009; y Etúcuaro, la reconstrucción de la comunidad. México: El Colegio de Michoacán, 1998; así como artículos como “Invocations de l’ethnicité et imaginaire sociopolitique au Mexique”. Problèmes d’Amérique Latine, núm. 72 (2009): 51-72; «Politics and Memories in Rural Chiapas. Languages of Power at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century». Identities, vol. 15, núm. 5 (2008); y “Cambio social y actores políticos en el medio rural. Una experiencia en Las Margaritas, Chiapas”. Revista Sociológica, núm. 63 (2007).


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