Participatory workshop for the co-construction of peace in contexts of violence by organized crime




violence, organized crime, peace education, Participatory Action Research, workshops (teaching method)


The participatory workshop that is presented arises as part of the participatory action research method, of a larger study under the critical paradigm and qualitative approach. It was carried out with girls and boys from three communities in the Tierra Caliente Region in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, located in contexts of high violence due to organized crime. Participatory action research involves a series of phases, the most important, the action. It is precisely in this where the design, application and assessment of the proposal described here is positioned. The objective is to present the systematization of the experience of the participatory workshop with the smell of lemon green. The workshop as a whole allowed to direct the participants in the search for autonomy, reflective and democratic participation. The investigation allows us to conclude that interventions of this nature are a tool that contributes to the construction of conditions that allow the emergence of a culture of peace, integrating the knowledge of those involved.

Author Biography

María de Jesús Pasallo Zepeda, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Licenciada y Maestra en Psicología. Doctora en Investigación Innovación Educativa. Psicoterapeuta Infantil y Especialista en Infancias y Juventudes. Investigadora posdoctoral del CONAHCYT.


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