German Cultural Policy in Mexico During the 1920s




International history, interwar period, cultural links, Germans in Mexico, German culture


Convinced of the superiority of German culture and the necessity of its mission in the world, the German government discovered cultural policy measures as a complement to traditional foreign policy instruments after World War I. During the war, this level became an element of the propaganda struggle for the public opinion of the neutral states. Due to the outcome of the war and the conclusion of peace, cultural foreign policy became one of the few fields in which the Weimar Republic could conduct its foreign policy with relative freedom. The loss of world power was to be compensated for by the promotional dissemination of German cultural goods and thus prepare for economic regeneration. What were the motives and content of German cultural policy towards Mexico? Were there approaches to an equitable exchange? Who were the actors in these relations? This article addresses these questions mainly from the German perspective by drawing on various sources from different archives and libraries.

Author Biography

Stefan Rinke, Freie Universität Berlin

Profesor catedrático de Historia en el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos y en el Friedrich-Meinecke-Institute de la Freie Universität Berlin.


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